Hi, I’m Molly Burke. I’m a copywriter.

I write ads for Arnold, I write comedy for anyone who wants it, and sometimes I write tweets that go viral!!!

email: mollyburky@gmail.com
click for resume

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Top 10 Big Spiders to Watch Out for in Summer 2024

Top 10 Big Spiders to Watch Out for in Summer 2024

TREND REPORT: 2023 was a big year for spiders, but now that spider szn is approaching again, everyone’s wondering, what hot new arachnids are in store for this year? 

Here’s a list of the trendiest, juiciest eight-legged freaks to watch out for this summer. 

**no pictures included because I’m scared of spiders

1. Mouth Crawlers

We’ve all heard it: the average person swallows eight spiders a year in their sleep. Well, that number’s going up in 2024, ‘cause these weirdos are having a moment! That’s right: you’re gonna start seeing a lot more spiders crawling into your mouth at night. 

2. Corner Spiders

If you loved last year’s “Daddy Long Legs in the Shower,” then you will love this: it’s the dead spider in the corner of your ceiling that’s too high to reach. Both subtle and attention-getting, it’ll have you wondering… is it really dead? Or did it just move a little bit?

3. Toilet Lurkers

This spider has quickly become a cult favorite among anime fans and lacrosse moms alike: the spider that every woman fears when she sits to pee. Yep, it’s the non-existent spider you’re worried is lurking in the toilet, ready to jump up into your hole when you’re least- (but also most-) suspecting.

4. Window Widows

A classic from the early 2000s is making a comeback: it’s the spider that got stuck between your window and your screen. Usually seen as the bimbo of the Arachnida class, these spiders have evolved for the modern era, and are actually choosing to be trapped. This damsel ain’t in distress, so keep that window closed!

5. Not Spiders

The spider that you thought was a spider but it was actually just a clump of hair. UK natives will know these spiders by another name (that I won’t say here, ‘cause it’s a bad word here in the states). But these babies have made their way across the ocean and they’re here to stay!

6. “Free” Spiders

Popular among coastal grandpas, this spider sparks something within, reminding you that we’re all just creatures sharing a universe. So you trap this innocent critter in a cup and release it outside. You pat yourself on the back, ignorant to the fact that most house spiders released outside will die because they’re not made for outdoor conditions. It’s okay, idiot, you tried!

7. Animated Tarantulas 

Controversial one here: the animated spiders in pixar-style animated shorts that appear to be furry and cute with adorable eyes and sweet mannerisms. It’s clearly propaganda from arachnid sympathizers who want to change my mind about spiders and make me stop fearing them. Listen, animation studios: I’m not buying it. I’m still scared of spiders. 

8. The Threat

You lay in bed, ready to sleep, and you see it: the octo-limbed nightmare on your wall. You take a slipper and kill it in a rage, leaving its guts and legs on the wall, as a warning to its family. You sleep peacefully, at first, then your imagination runs wild as you dream of a clan of spiders taking revenge on you. This spider goes well with florals and chunky jewelry. 

9. Undeads

Looking for gothic-lite vibes? Try this one out. It’s the spider you’re convinced will come back to life, even though you squished it real good into a kleenex. You still think all its little legs and parts might come back together in perfect form, like those skeleton turtles in Super Mario Bros. 

10. Big Mama

Once reserved for the wealthy, this spider has become more accessible and has grown in popularity in the midwest. It’s the pregnant spider that you shouldn’t have smashed because now a thousand tiny spiders came running out and are all over your apartment. 

Have a spidey summer! Check back for more trend reports!

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