Hi, I’m Molly Burke. I’m a copywriter.

I write ads for Arnold, I write comedy for anyone who wants it, and sometimes I write tweets that go viral!!!

email: mollyburky@gmail.com
click for resume

My cats made this website. Forgive them - they don’t know what they’re doing. They’re just cats!

Serial Killer Gives up Complaining for Lent

Serial Killer Gives up Complaining for Lent

A serial killer (who asked to be anonymous) has decided she is going to give up complaining for lent. See her inspiring account below:

I wanted to give up a bad habit for lent, so I’m giving up complaining.

Sometimes, between killings, I call my mom to complain about how hard it is to cut through bone and other issues in my line of work. And I didn’t realize the emotional labor that I make her do when I vent to her. It’s not fair to her. The last thing I want to be is toxic. I know complaining is wrong, but I do it anyway. I have that problem in a lot of areas of my life, but I’m working on myself one bad habit at a time.

I realized that complaining took up time that could be spent on what I’m passionate about. I should be thankful for what I get to do. So I’m replacing a bad habit with a good one, and now I’m listing five things I’m grateful for every night. Here’s last night’s list for example:

I’m grateful for…
My new knife <3
Dark corners
That I haven’t gotten caught yet
God’s absolutely unconditional love

It’s all about being intentional. I started giving up complaining yesterday. And it was probably the worst day to start because I had to do a particularly brutal murder. Afterward, I almost called my sister (who is a cop) to complain about it. But then I thought, nah. I don’t want to put her through that. And just like that, I’m already growing as a person.

And I know, I know. Complaining seems like such a small thing to give up. You may be thinking, why not give up killing people? Well, it’s the small things that make the biggest difference. It takes a while to realize that. Maybe you aren’t at the part of your journey where you’ve realized that yet. I’m not here to shame you for it. I’m just here to lead as an example.

I know God is looking down on me, along with all of my victims, and they’re all proud of me. And that thought alone is what motivates me to keep going.


(note: this is fake)

Photo by Max Okhrimenko on Unsplash

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