Hi, I’m Molly Burke. I’m a copywriter.

I write ads for Arnold, I write comedy for anyone who wants it, and sometimes I write tweets that go viral!!!

email: mollyburky@gmail.com
click for resume

My cats made this website. Forgive them - they don’t know what they’re doing. They’re just cats!

8 Community-Based Alternatives to Calling the Police When You’re Really High and Scared

8 Community-Based Alternatives to Calling the Police When You’re Really High and Scared

So you tried mary jane for the first time and now you’re freaking out. Well, instead of calling 911 and having the cops show up to your old high school’s football field and causing a scene and having to explain to the junior varsity track coach that everything’s fine and they can keep doing their practice…. instead of all that, try these alternatives.

  1. Call the Substance Abuse Center

    and waste their time by making them explain to you that “you’re not gonna die from marijuana and we’re here to help people who actually need it”

  2. Google “can you overdose on marijuana”

    because you’re not sure if they’re correct (they might also be high)

  3. Call your mom

    and tell her you did weed and you’re so sorry you’re such a disappointment so that she can say “you’ve never done weed? you’re literally 29 years old”

  4. See what happens

  5. Call a friend from middle school

    and finally get an answer as to what happened with your friendship

  6. Pray

    because there might actually be a god?

  7. Call the JCPenney in your hometown

    and ask if Sandy is still the manager there

  8. Wait a bit

    just wait it out (this one actually works every time)

Golden Retriever Boyfriend? That’s Cute. I Have a +1 Cha Nilbog Boyfriend.

Golden Retriever Boyfriend? That’s Cute. I Have a +1 Cha Nilbog Boyfriend.

Mysterious Loud Noise Heard Throughout Boston Confirmed as My Dad Sneezing

Mysterious Loud Noise Heard Throughout Boston Confirmed as My Dad Sneezing