Hi, I’m Molly Burke. I’m a copywriter.

I write ads for Arnold, I write comedy for anyone who wants it, and sometimes I write tweets that go viral!!!

email: mollyburky@gmail.com
click for resume

My cats made this website. Forgive them - they don’t know what they’re doing. They’re just cats!

Corporate Pigs! Safelite Refuses to Repair the Glass Ceiling

Corporate Pigs! Safelite Refuses to Repair the Glass Ceiling

The glass ceiling has been shattered thanks to women paving their own futures in every industry. But who’s going to pick up the pieces they left behind? Who’s going to repair the glass ceiling?

Safelite claims to repair or replace autoglass no matter what. But when we called about a shattered glass ceiling, they refused to repair it.

Men have never had to worry about the glass ceiling. In fact, they look down on it as if it were a glass floor. I’m sure if we told Safelite that the glass floor was broken, they’d be all over it.

Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case. Below is the transcript of our call:

“Safelite Autoglass Repair, this is Ron. How may I help you?”

“Hello, Ron. You repair glass, right?”

“Yep. We do autoglass repair here.”

“I have some glass I need you to repair.”

“I’m sure we can help you.”

“My fellow women and I have shattered the glass ceiling. There are shards everywhere and none of us women can repair it. We need you, Ron.”

“Isn’t the glass ceiling a metaphor?”

“It’s not a metaphor, Ron. The experiences of women being stifled and oppressed are very real.”

“Well, technically, the glass ceiling has yet to be shattered. Just because some women have busted through it doesn’t mean it doesn’t still exist for minorities and others with less privilege. My father, for example, was an undocumented immigrant. He couldn’t continue to be a doctor here in the US without a work visa, so he got into autoglass repair. And even if the glass ceiling were shattered, you wouldn’t want to repair it. That would make it harder for the others to get through.”

“Thanks for mansplaining, Ron. We won’t be doing business with you.”

“Have a great day!”

[end of call]

This male not only refused the job, but denied that the glass ceiling was even shattered. This is why you must #believewomen. Where do these misogynists get off?

Not to worry! We’ve hired an independent contractor to replace the glass ceiling with concrete. So that so-called “invisible barrier” won’t be so invisible anymore. You’re welcome, America!

(note: this is fake)

GEICO Ads Have a Sock Fetish?

Company Encourages Mental Breakdowns in the Bathroom

Company Encourages Mental Breakdowns in the Bathroom